Saturday, November 10, 2012

Random Roman Thoughts

Two girls on the Hispanic Steps

  • In Rome there is no distinction between a sidewalk and a road.
  • Couldn't afford the Sistine Chapel. Went to the Fifteen. Ba-da-boom.
  • Q: How can you tell when a Roman is trying to rip you off?
A: He's talking.
  • Still waiting for a slice of pizza as good as Joe's on 6th and Bleecker. 
Same girls in front of a building
  •  In Rome, the new shit is from the Renaissance.
  • Can't sleep, but can nap like crazy 
  • Went to a necropolis (that means cemetery, Lenny) under St. Peter's dating from 100 AD in which they think St. Pete himself may be buried. Down side: No Wi-Fi.
  • The locations change, the gags stay the same. 
  • Saw this sign today: "Best Rome souvenirs. Hand made in India."

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