Monday, November 12, 2012

Benedict XVI: "I Love Working With People"

Just got back from the Vatican. Had a nice talk with the Pope. A VERY cool guy. Here’s a recap:
  • Likes to be called: Ben; Benny.
  • Doesn’t like to be called: Your Total Popeness; Ratzo
  • Best thing about being Pope: "I love working with people"
  • Worst thing: Writing annual reviews of the cardinals.
  • Favorite singer: Wilson Pickett
  • Favorite band: Abba
  • If he wasn't Pope: "I don't know, maybe dentist or copywriter."
  • Wishes he had more time for: Working out
  • Best subject in high school: French
  • Worst subject: Typing
  • Favorite TV show: Antiques Roadshow
  • Favorite movie: Anything with Jonah Hill
  • Likes to: Slow dance
  • Pet peeve: Vatican internet connection “incredibly slow.” 

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