Monday, October 8, 2012

The Journey Begins...

First I want to make it clear that I was in college at 16 so I am way younger than all the old fucks who are going to be at this reunion. And more virile, too.

Although I don't leave for NYC until Nov. 1, I feel the need to begin this blog now to work up the appropriate anxiety to once again face the people who made me so uncomfortable as a teenager.

I'm sure they didn't mean to do it, but so what. Fuck them.

Here are some of the places that will play an integral part in my trip.

First, is the elegant La Guardia Plaza (at the elegant La Guardia Airport) where the reunion will be held.

 Next is the fabulous Wavecrest Gardens, where I grew up. I am hoping someone at the reunion can tell me where the gardens were.

Finally, the Coliseum. More elegant than the elegant La Guardia Plaza, more fabulous than the fabulous Wavecrest Gardens.

Tomorrow -- the schedule and the itinerary. See you back here.

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